Build your website fast and easy
Because of the many requests we made a manual in 10 steps to build a basic menu and page
structure. After following these steps your website will have the groundwork for your design.
[toggle title=”Step 1″ variation=””]First of all think about the structure of the Menu. This simplifies the building of your website in the stages that are following. We can?t accentuate this enough.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Step 2″ variation=””]Create all pages according your menu structure. How to create pages you can read in this manual. Wait with placing the content, photos or plugins. Their turn will come later on.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Step 3″ variation=””]Define the Menus for the Header and Footer. Screen has a feature to provide different links at footer of every page. This connects completely with WordPress and its Menu since 3.0. the links also are appropriate for SEO purposes.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Step 4″ variation=””]Define the Sidebar Menus. Screen provides a feature to create a personal sidebar for each page.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Step 5″ variation=””]Go to Screen / sidebars and create the sidebar that you want to use on a page. Give it a name according your menu and save..[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Step 6″ variation=””]Go to Tab Footer Sidebars. Ga naar tab Footer sidebars Create the sidebar you wish for your footer area and save.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Step 7″ variation=””]Go to WP Dashboard / Appearance / Menus
Select at Theme Locations what sidebar you want to use for the Screen main menu + Home Footer. At the top you?ll see the sidebars that you created in step 5 and 6. Select the sidebar you want to fill with menu items.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Step 8″ variation=””]To fill the menu you have the possibility to make use of Custom Links, Pages and categories. Make a selection and Add to Menu. Save the Menu. WordPress and Screen offer the possibility to
create several menus and use them in Widgets, the Sidebars left and right and in the Footer Widget area. They are usable on every page or post.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Step 9″ variation=””]Your Menus is ready. Go to Pages and select a page. Go to Screen page options beneath the content block. Here you?ll find several features to design your pages or posts. To make the sidebars with the widgets and custom menus visible at your pages you?ll have to make 4 selections:
1. Page layout
What kind of page do you want to create? Full with or with sidebar left or right?
2. Sidebar
Here you select the sidebar you want for this page (made in step 5)
3. Footer sidebar
Here you select the Sidebar that has to be visible on the footer of this page.
4. Footer menu
Here you select what Link Menu has to be visible in the Footer. Mostly here you?ll find privacy,
terms etc. This unique Screen feature offers extra possibilities for SEO purposes.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Step 10″ variation=””]Congratulations, now the basis of your website is clear. The Menu structure is defined and the navigation is ready now. Read more to discover what Screen has to offer. Screen has many and possibilities to give each website a different look and feel. The creative webdesigner has all possible options to make a unique website with the security of a reliable High end WordPress theme..[/toggle]